We're asked to line up and go upstairs to 'our class' and we were given breakfast, Western food? nah, just 'Char Bee Hoon', it's what the Hokkiens' favorite food. And also a bottle of mineral water. Wore my blazer and was given instruction to get down stairs, sit down and watch the uniform check thing (done by the Sarjan, Policeman and a Saint John guy). Then prefect things, bla bla bla... Jeck Lee was chosen to replace a prefect for the uniform check. Luckily he had all his attire. We watched them marched (basic):
Penang Chung Ling High School
After the marching (basic), I saw the Deputy head of Prefect cried because of some tiny winny little mistake, HOLY MACKERAL o.o. What's the big deal of crying? Shame... :P
Then, it started to RAIN cats and dogs, mice and elephants :P Just drizzling (larh).Then, went to the canteen, smaller than CLHS, maybe. Took a sausage bun before having my rice. Then, one can of 7-up, refreshed and full. We went to the Stadium to watch another marching - formation. Here's Penang Chinese Girl High School and Penang Chung Ling High School's Prefect Marching (Formation):
Penang Chinese Girl High School
-Coming Soon-
Penang Chung Ling High School
-Coming Soon-
We were given instruction to go to the hall for the prize giving ceremony. I found out that Penang Chinese Girl School Hall quite not bad, double 'storey'. Wow :P
Aiming for me? :)
We got the first among the schools and everyone was so excited.
Then, we went back to school by bus. In the bus, everyone was saying that they're the one who made the formation team win. Passed by Union and they said is ' Oie, Union. Am Gong nia :P', lol, funny guys. And yes, saw Zi Yun, Yutian, Jesslin, Alice and Xin Qi too. That's all for today.
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