Chung Ling ---> KOMTAR
Waited for the 103 bus at the main station of the Rapid Penang Bus Station. Missed once as Koon Kee was late when he joined the group. As a remembrance for the first time taking bus with my treasurer, we decided to take a picture of ourselves (while waiting for Koon Kee & the 103 bus).
I look like a sucker. :O
Well, Koon Kee was really late actually. While waiting for him, me tummy started grumbling and went to Prangin' Mall to had myself an ice-cream. Then only we met him at the bus station. Took the 103 bus to Gurney. On the way, people keep pressing the emergency stop button, kinda fed-up :P. Reached there at about 10:45 bah. Then went to MCD to have our breakfast.
McMuffin-ing in MCD as our late breakfast. Thanks to Koon Kee :S.
Walk, walk walk, bla bla bla, saw some of my school-friends, Ryan Loh were there too. Li Yuan, Koon Kee and hao Qian went to Popular to buy their school accessories and I was out there, searching Shao Qian's birthday's present, SnJ (somekind of giftshop) ♥.
Lunchtime ☺
Had our lunch at Kim Gary restaurant. Gave Shao Qian his present AND
Was smiling at his birthday gift :O.
Finished eating and everyone was like berebut-rebut want to pay the bill, how naive (:.
Planned that everyone buy a key-chain as for a remembrance for today's Birthday Outing.
Li Yuan + Koon Kee = 1 group.
Me + Shao Qian = 1 group.
After that, we went for Starbucks Coffee to have ourselves a cup of beverage.
I had a Dark Mocha. Shao Qian, Li Yuan and Koon Kee had Hot Chocolate. Then, we exchange our "were bought" key-chains.
I got the cow, Shao Qian got the four leaves thingy, Koon Kee got the shoe and Li Yuan got the fish. :)
Forgotten about Shao Qian's birthday cake :O
Looks like it was all covered with NUTS.
Happy Belated Birthday to Shao Qian and Li Yuan once again, that's all for today, BYES :")
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