The last time I sat alone in the bus,
The last day in the afternoon session,
The last day of being a Junior Prefect,
The last time to say goodbye to my classmates,
The last time participating in the Inter-Class Sports Competition.
Well, all those days were memories already. Take a look at some pictures I took at the last day of my 中二生涯. D:
Wrote down which class we'll be going next year. Once an A1 boy, always an A1 boy. :)
The last day playing games with my friends, thanks for all the joy memories you all gave to me. :D
Here's your pictures taken by me:
小学的朋友, 有什么衰样, 你我都知道。
Cheng Jun
第一年和你同班, 有些幽默, 但胖了点 :P
Lee Tze,
近年来才发觉, 你有点顽皮。
有点粗鲁, 但人缘好 :)
Zi Wei,
你啊, 小辣椒一个。
Pooi Chee,
喜欢耍帅, 但是要记得, 你就读的学校是钟灵, 没女生的。
Chong Yeow,
你很醒目, 但让我觉得你有点傲慢。
Chiew Foong,
脾气有点暴躁, 但很聪明。
Darren Cheng,
说话一块一块的, 很有趣, 哈哈。
Rui Yong,
好是好, 但是脾气方面要作出一些改变。
Yung Wei,
辣, 但是很可爱 :)
Shao Qian,
EQ 很高, 人缘也蛮好的。
Li Yuan,
很有耐力, 但不要一直为别人着想, 要为自己想一想。
做事情要三思而后行, 你知道我要说什么的。
Well, some pictures quality ain't that good, so...
The last day having this Inter-Class Sports Competiton. We won the handball match and the basketball game. Lost the soccer match anyway,
Today's handball final match was between 2TA1 and 1T13. Of course, we won them at the score 13-3. 放水 for them while playing but we still couldn't lose. :P
Pictures time :).
2TA1's in red while 1T13's in white :).
第二张, 也是最后一张了 D:
朋友们, 就到此结束了, 谢谢你们!
Having a 10km marathon this Sunday, anyone participating? Leave a message by the tagboard on the right hand side, thanks :).
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