Some pictures I took (secretly) during class.
This picture was taken before the class started. Well, the good news is that many teachers won't be around in school until the last day of school :D. Wakaka...
Before the Inter-Class Sports Competition event, after the recess period.
Half-naked Pooi Chee. He asked me to put this picture on my blog, strange guy :S.
拍戏咩? Fantastic 4? Swt. (Current location: Judo Room at Chung Ling High School, 废话)
Got the first place (Won 2TB3 at the score 23-21, 2TB3 boys are tough to defeat though.) during the basketball game and the second place (Lost to 2TA2 at the score 1-4.) during the handball match.
Handball match (2TA1 VS 2TC4, WON):
‘球’ 的传人, LOL :P.
Handball match (2TA1 VS 2TA2, LOST):
Planning, discussing 作战策略.
对方进了龙门, A1, 别气馁! :)
Basketball game (2TA1 VS 2TC3, Won):
Huiyo, Lee Tze 上场咯 :)
Goaled :)
Basketball game (2TA1 VS 2TB3, Won):
Forgotten whose goal was that :S.
Back in position or what? Keep taking photos only, don't know what was happening during the game. Ahaha...
Anyway, good job A1, and thanks :)
Pictures taken after the event.
哇, 省宏, 很上镜哦!
A picture taken by me. (Left: Oo Jian Hua Right: Bernard Law)
Tomorrow's pictures and stories will be all about soccer. Good Luck A1. We ROCKS :)
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